Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Normal Blood Sugars in Pregnancy

I have until now avoided discussing the issue of what normal blood sugars should be in pregnancy because it looked like gynecologists were being more aggressive with blood sugar control during pregnancy then other doctors.

Blood sugar control is particularly important in pregnancy because a fetus that is exposed to continually high blood sugars will experience significant changes in the way that

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Flawed Logic: Eating "Eggs" or "Meat" is Associated with but Does Not CAUSE Cancer

Today the morning news carried this headline: Eggs may Increase Risk Of Lethal Prostate Cancer In Healthy Men. The article starts out by saying that "we already know red and processed meat may increase risk of advanced prostate cancer" and then claims that eggs are just as dangerous.

The actual study is found here:

Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Blood Sugar 101 FaceBook Page is Where You'll Find Tidbits Too Minor for A Blog Post

Yes, I know FB is the greatest time suck ever invented, and that their entire reason for existing is to steal your personal information. But enough of you asked me to set up a page that I did, and it's getting a respectable number of fans.

I'm posting snippets and links there that don't deserve a whole blog post but which are worthy of your attention.

You can post questions there, too, for